Sizzle Liquors

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Good Vibes for a Good Day

Wine vs Beer: Which is better?

You may be familiar with beer and wine if you are into alcoholic beverages. But are there any differences between the two? Yes, there are. Sizzle Liquors provides you with a variety of wines and beers with different tastes and prices. However, there is a lot you may need to know about these two alcoholic drinks. Is one any better or healthier than the other?

Both wine and beer are perfect for moderate drinkers due to their lower alcoholic percentage. However, these benefits diminish the more you drink. Even if the drink contains only 1% alcohol content, excessive consumption will still be harmful to your health. The best option is therefore to always say no to alcohol.

You may prefer one over the other, or you are looking to start with one of these mild alcoholic drinks. Let’s delve into the details and see how these two sets of alcoholic drinks compare.

What is the difference (Healthwise)?

Despite the numerous similarities between the two when it comes to production, one of the most obvious differences is still in production. Beer, just like whiskey, is made with grains, like malted barley, while wines, such as brandy, are made with fruits, for instance, grapes. A common aspect between the two is that they both require the introduction of yeast to convert any available sugars in the fruits or grains into the fermentation process.

Wine is considered healthier compared to beer, thanks to the grape skins that include an antioxidant-like compound called resveratrol. The resveratrol which is common in red wine has been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease and improving longevity. Ever heard of the “French Paradox” a concept coined by French epidemiologists in the 80s? This is the observation of a low coronary heart disease death rate in France, despite the high intake of saturated fats and cholesterol. Many believe that wine is such a beneficial drink that it can undo the damage of fat-rich diets. However, other research shows that there is more to the impacts on the health of the French than wine drinking.

Benefits of wine

Wine, especially red wine, comes with some benefits for moderate drinkers. These are some of them:

  • Most high-quality wines have low sugar content
  • Compared to beer, wine is lower-carb, making it a better option for keto and similar diets.
  • Studies have linked red wine to a better heart condition as compared to beer.
  • Red wine with meals may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Compared to other alcoholic drinks, wine is the best for the stomach

Benefits of beer

There are different types of beer and the benefits depend on the type one is consuming. Lighter beers are lower in calories but also lower in nutrients. Here are some of the few benefits of beer over wine:

  • A regular beer has about 15g of protein per serving.
  • Most of them are also rich in fiber, especially the darker beers
  • Silicon components in beer are beneficial to bone health, especially in old age.
  • Moderate consumption is good for HDL cholesterol and the health of blood vessels
  • Beer is generally cheaper compared to wine

Which is better? Beer or Wine

Despite these benefits, alcohol is generally harmful especially when consumed without proper moderation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), moderate drinking is defined as two drinks per day for men and a drink a day for women. If you are already limiting your alcohol consumption or have any health problems, then it is not better to drink at all. But if you would like to explore some of the best tastes, be it beer or wine, check out what we have for you on Sizzle Liquors.

Sizzle Liquors is the best online liquor store in Nairobi, Naivasha, Mombasa, and Nanyuki. Get the best vibes from different brands in the comfort of your home. Contact Us today and let us light up your moments and spread good vibes courtesy of some good wines and beers.

‘Good Vibes for a Good Day’ – Sizzle Liquors

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