- Tall Horse Chenin Blanc 750ml is dazzling gold with a copious amount of flavors and fragrances reminiscent of a fruit salad, such as tropical mango, pineapple, passion fruit, guava, honey melon, and papaya, all subtly spiced.
- Gregarious, yet still graceful with a mouth-watering fruity finish.
- Tall horse chenin blanc is a South African wine classified as Chenin blanc wine or white dry wine.
- notes on taste A delightfully fresh and zesty Chenin Blanc, this wine has a safari of juicy fruit flavors, including pineapple, and tantalizing melon aromas.
- It has 12% ABV (alcohol by volume).
- To enjoy the above product at the best price in Kenya visit or WhatsApp through 0716398500, make a complete order, and enjoy free shipping to your place in a period of less than 24 hours.
Get the best white wines at Sizzle Liquors, your One Stop shop for all drinks. Tall Horse Chenin Blanc 750ml has the smoothest wines across Africa, and beyond.